Optimized customer experience for more growth

From the smart customer experience plan to the target application architecture and the unique user interaction software suite.

yawave user interaction suite

x-times micro-conversions integrated across all touchpoints

Success results from the interplay of micro-conversions along all touchpoints from awareness to customer reengagement. Are you missing the blueprint? Our Customer Experience Map provides clarity here.

Interactions for growth

Use our content, interaction and user hub tools flexibly and “headless” in your CMS. We integrate together with your agency, or build your own platform with maximum impact.

User Interaction Suite

With our solution, you link content and community. The result: more interactions, more leads, more transparency.

Under the Hood

Create and publish content

Content Hub

Content is the basis of all communication. You bundle it centrally and efficiently in the Content Hub. There you create articles and publish them on all relevant channels such as website, social media, liveblog or newsletter.

interaction hub yawave
Generate interactions & get to know users

Interaction Hub

A company doesn’t need an audience, it needs a community. Generate real interactions and give your users a platform. So you get the community you deserve.

Strengthen interactions and community

User Hub

A company doesn’t need an audience, but an active and loyal community. Through enriched contact data, you create personalized and relevant content for your users. Our contact management, user portal and loyalty program help you do this. So that you get the community you deserve.

A strong team

ZSC Lions and yawave

Read in our success stories how we make our customers even more successful.

Read success story →

How Lions are driving fan-centric club digitization and interacting more easily and purposefully with their own fans thanks to the Interaction Suite.

FC Luzern Case Study Teaser




Digital reach



In our success stories we show you how we make our customers even more successful.

Skyrocket your customer experience.