High development and operating costs for your digital solutions?
Von yawave
am 29.10.20
Are you also struggling with high development and operating costs, outdated standard software and slow service response times for your digital solutions
We will be happy to support you with digitization that is an added value for citizens, follows a clear plan and is implemented with agility.
5 Reasons why communities work with us:
Definition of the target citizen experience on- and offline – clear requirements for digitization (effectiveness)
Priorities and 3-year roadmap for implementation – budgetable expansion steps (efficiency)
Innovative functionality for more citizen content and interaction – closer to citizens
Efficient services such as security checks – significantly lower costs
Personal support and fast response time – we are there for you!
Are these benefits also relevant for your community and would you like to learn more?
We are here for you and look forward to hearing from you
Citizen Experience Path – the first step towards sustainably efficient digitization
Whoever builds first makes a plan – this reduces both construction and operating costs. It’s the same with digitalization. That is why it is so important for municipalities to have a vision of the entire future citizen experience path that defines the requirements for digitization.
So start with the citizen first! We create a clear direction and a common language in the community for the future citizen experience – we provide you with a meaningful vision for a 3-year planning period and a comprehensive list of innovative ideas on how to improve your citizen interactions on- and offline.
With a net expenditure of 5-8 days we deliver for your community:
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Ausgehend vom Bürgererlebnispfad und den Bedürfnissen aller Anspruchsgruppen einer Gemeinde bauen wir wirkungsvolle Webseiten, die den Bürgern Mehrwert bieten und die Arbeit der Gemeinde vereinfachen