Success Stories

We are proud of the success of our customers

FC Luzern

FCL was looking for a simple, efficient, yet comprehensive software solution to facilitate engagement with its fans and build lasting loyalty.

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FC Luzern Case Study Teaser

HC Ambri Piotta

They were looking for a way to refine content and make it easier to share. In addition, sales should be increased with digital sponsorship.

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HCAP Case Study
Rhaetian Railway

The Rhaetian Railway was primarily concerned with increasing its lead rate and generating sales potential through its communications.

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RHB Case Study

Raiffeisen Entrepreneur Center

The Raiffeisen Entrepreneur Center (RUZ) wants to engage with its target group, small and medium-sized enterprises, as early as possible and get them onto its platform.

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RUZ Case Study
MS Sports

Sport connects. To measure customer satisfaction and increase referral rates, MS Sports needed the right software.

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MS Sports Case Study

Baden Cantonal Hospital

The Baden Cantonal Hospital has invested a lot in its infrastructure. So it is only logical that digitization should also meet these demands.

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KSB Case Study
ZSC Lions

How Lions are driving fan-centric club digitization and interacting more easily and purposefully with their own fans thanks to the Interaction Suite.

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MS Sports Case Study

Skyrocket your customer experience.