Raiffeisen Entrepreneur Center x yawave

Strengthening the backbone of Switzerland


The Raiffeisen Entrepreneur Center (RUZ) wants to engage with its target group, small and medium-sized enterprises, as early as possible and get them onto its platform. But how do you reach them quickly and efficiently?


The automatic publishing capabilities of the yawave content suite save time and effort and quickly disseminate the RUZ’s content to its network of speakers.

Share Tool

RUZ has activated lecturers and speakers to share its events in the network using yawave’s Share Tool, thus significantly increasing booking rates.

Email Marketing

RUZ newsletters were created with yawave’s intuitive drag & drop editor including templates, personalization and automation and sent from yawave.

«Our mission is clear: to strengthen the backbone of Switzerland: SMEs. We provide practical support and want to get into dialogue with them as early as possible. In doing so, RUZ positions itself as a consulting, networking and event platform for SMEs from industry and commerce. With yawave, our reach has doubled. Via link publication, the content of a page is automatically duplicated. Our speakers share the publication and thus increase the reach. As a result, our events are booked out much faster.»

Patricia Zeithammel
Marketing & Communications, Raiffeisen Entrepreneur Center RUZ


Doubling of reach and thus significantly faster booking of events.

Your community. Your content. Your conversions.