User Hub

A new home for your users: from user portal to loyalty programs to contact and data management.

Contact management

All contacts in one place

The more contact points your users have with you, the more complex contact management and data protection become. Our central contact management helps you keep track of everything.

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User Portal

The login area for your users

Offer your users a digital home and discover new possibilities with the yawave user portal. Our freely configurable my-area enables personalized and relevant customer experiences.

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Markus Krienbühl FC Luzern

«With yawave, we can now generate fan engagement and interactions much more easily. The tool configurator is easy to use and we can link the generated tools like forms, payment or share to our publications anytime we want.»

Markus Krienbühl
Head of Media & Communication, FCL

Loyalty Program

Points system for more user engagement

With yawave’s flexibly configurable loyalty program, you can actively manage your users’ engagement. You motivate them to share your posts, recommend your products and track their engagement via dashboard in real time.

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User Interaction

Shape the exchange with your target groups

yawave provides you with a powerful and comprehensive toolset for interactions. This includes forms, registration, feedback and payment tools, as well as engage and share features.

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More know-how about user portals:

Online Communities as Business Model

Online Communities as Business Model

There are various financial aspects behind company-owned online communities. The indirect factors in particular are worth taking a closer look at.